Showing Symptoms
He used to throw a live turtle into a fire, when it crawled out, would throw it back into the fire again many times until it died. Not too long after that he asked for an ordination. Three months later he put on his robe and poured the petrol all over himself and lit the fire.
Could you please show us the way to survive and have happiness in society?
In Thai society these days, it has changed a lot because everyone has to work for survival until you can hardly find a smile on anybody’s face. Could you please show us the way to survive and have happiness in society Sir?
Want To Say I Love You
A man, when he was in childhood he was diligent but when he was grown up he became a trouble maker because of his promiscuous behavior. He always asked money from parents and spent it all with women. His parents thought he might be under the influence of black magic so they took him to a black magic master to remove the curse but nothing was better. He was admitted to a nerve hospital once. His mother ordained him as a monk at a temple. During his ordination, he was better but things turned back to be same after he quitted a priesthood. Did he have a mental problem from a black magic…..what is the Kammar of his parents to have so much sorrow with their son in this life?
Looking after one’s Extended Family
All of the trees that stand together in the forest will help each other mutually provide shelter against the gales, storms
I knew that he was hired to kill me for 30,000 baht of head-price. According to the gunman’s rule if you received money, you had only one way; to finish the job. If you missed, you would be killed.
False Friendship 4: The One Who Leads You Down the Road to Ruin
Basically, the one who leads you down the road to ruin likes persuading you to do bad, unnecessary, or useless things.
Let’s Reduce Global Warming by Using Fabric Bags
You can use our fabric bag to carry your shoes with you before entering the meditation area to prevent loosing shoes.
I Brought You Carrots
Why were twin sister born as twins? Why did their parents have to give them to others to raise? Why did they have to be separated at a young age? DMC has the answers...
Fundamental Information :- Peace Revolution Program for Youth
Fundamental Information of Peace Revolution Program for Youth. It is the interesting questions about meditation. Meditation lovers don't miss them!!
More than You can Chew
When it comes to the subject of ‘merit’, there’s no such thing as ‘biting off more than you can chew’.